Hotel information



Please complete this form before October 12th to reserve the hotel , and finish the payment when you check-in. Be informed that if the room type of your choice has been fully booked, we will arrange the rooms for those who submitted the form first. Each hotel offers shuttle buses to the conference.




1. Nice Prince Hotel (嘉義市-耐斯王子大飯店)

TEL:886-5-2771999 FAX:886-5-2732999


Double room/ 1 person/ 39.672 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$3,000 per night

Twin room/ 2 people / 39.672 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$3,200 per night

Quad room/ 3 people / 39.672 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$3,800 per night

Quad room/ 4 people / 39.672 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$4,400 per night

Breakfast is available, meal time: AM 06:30~ AM 09:30

雙人房/單人入住/一大床/12坪/含早餐/每晚/優惠房價 NT3000





Double room/ 33.06 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$1,800 per night

Double room/ 39.672 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$2,100 per night

Quad room/ 49.59 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$2,400 per night

Breakfast is available, meal time: AM07:00~AM10:00

雙人房/一大床/12坪/含早餐/每晚/優惠房價 NT2100   

雙人房/一大床/10坪/含早餐/每晚/優惠房價 NT1800



Twin room/ 46.284 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$2,680 per night

Quad room/ 46.284 square meters/ Breakfast/ NT$3,680 per night

Breakfast is available, meal time: AM06:30~AM10:00

雙人房/兩小床/14坪/含早餐/每晚/優惠房價 NT2680
